March 2016
Workshop on Poverty alleviation and studies of ecosystem change (Brazil)
Swansea University and Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), with the generous support of the British Council, Newton Fund and the Amazonas State Research Support Foundation (FAPEAM), call for applications from early career researchers with a doctoral standing of less than
February 2016
PhD crisis: Is restructuring the PhD training the solution?
November 2015
‘Scoping the future: views and ideas of young scientists to tackle global challenges’
Over 900 science leaders from over 100 countries have gathered at the World Science Forum 2015 in Budapest under the theme “The Enabling Power of Science”. On Wednesday, over 50 early career researchers from 30 different countries convened by IAP
August 2015
The state of research in Catalonia / El estado de la investigación en Cataluña
News on the situation of scientific research in Catalonia/Noticias sobre la situación de la investigación científica en Cataluña Article in Spanish Read here Note: The creation of ICoRSA was promoted by pre-existing National Research Staff Associations from different countries
December 2014
Portability of Research Grants: Where we stand
Gordon, Chair of ICoRSA was invited to talk at the European Network on Research Careers (ENRC) about ICoRSA’s views on the portability of research grants. Here is the presentation he will be giving today at the ENRC. check out the
November 2014
European Research Area and researchers condition in Europe. A 2014 report
The European Research Area (ERA), aiming at research excellence and economic competitiveness by tackling issues such as researchers mobility and gender equality, has recently released their 2014 progress report, with some interesting statistics about the researchers labour force around the globe.
September 2014
RESAVER: a pan European pension scheme for Researchers
Great News for Researchers in Europe! The European Commission has finalised a pan European Scheme (RESAVER) tailored for research organisations and their employees.
A major advance for researchers mobility!
For more details, follow the Link
July 2014
Collaboration and mobility in Research: Trendy yet still facing some issues. What can be done?
No doubt about it, if you are a scientist, especially an early career researcher, you have collaborated and have moved cities, countries, continents to pursue your passion: Research. And although it has become easier than before to move and collaborate,
June 2014
Research careers in Germany: Updates
Changes have been proposed to improve the regulations around career tracks of young researchers in Germany !!!
To read more, follow Link. Open petition for more perspectives in science to the federal government (In German).
November 2013
Official Launch Of ICoRSA
ICoRSA AGM Press Release The official launch of the International Consortium of Research Staff associations (ICORSA) will be held at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Birmingham, UK on 6 & 7 November 2013. ICORSA is comprised of national and