MaxPlanck PostdocNet

This dynamic network, now celebrating five years (2024), represents postdocs across the Max Planck Society and is dedicated to enhancing the working conditions, scientific development, and career prospects of its members. 

ANIH represents research staff working within the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Our aims are (1) raising public awareness on the important roles of researchers in hospitals to improve the quality of the NHS and (2) influence policy to improve working conditions and career development for hospital research staff.


Represents research staff in Ireland, including researchers within Research Staff Associations and individual researchers who lack representation through an RSA, and to advocate for their common interests at a National and International level in particular towards the goal of sustainable research careers.


ANICT aims to represent the interests of all full-time Doctoral Researchers working in Portugal.

The madate of the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars (CAPS-ACPS) is to improve the lives, training, and work experience of all Canadian postdocs.

UKRSA, in association with Vitae, aims to provide a collective voice for research staff across the UK, through building researcher communities and influencing policy.

The mission of the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) is to improve the postdoctoral experience by supporting a culture of inclusive connection. At the individual, organizational, and national levels, we facilitate enhanced professional growth, raise awareness, and collaborate with stakeholders in the postdoctoral community.

Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (RMU) is an advisory body that involves young researchers in shaping the National research and innovation policy. RMU represents Ukrainian researchers up to 40 years old, both early-career and established ones.

ANDès has three main missions: 1) to promote the doctorate, 2) to put the talents of doctors at the service of society, 3) to create and synergise networks of doctors.

The Italian Research Staff Association (ItalianRSA) is focused primarily on representing and promoting the interests of researchers in all research roles in Italy.

NInTec is a non-profit association representing Researchers and other Scientific Workers linked to entities of the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon. NInTec works as an interface between Departments, Research Units and other entities in Técnico, aiming to encourage discussion and promotion of Scientific Research in its different aspects.