Upon attending the World Science Forum held in Budapest in 2015, Dr. Sigme DAVULCU applied for and was granted UNESCO funds for a “Science Diplomacy” project aiming at applying Science Diplomacy in Cyprus to contribute to the reconciliation process between the Turkish and Greek scientists. This project will foster the establishment of the Cyprus Scientific Research Association (CSRA) to bring Turkish and Greek Scientists together, and starting collaborations. it also includes exchange of students between North and South Cyprus universities for research and training, as well as bi-communal celebration of science related festivals.
This would not have been possible without Dr. DAVULCU’s involvement with ICoRSA :

"Since I got a post-doctoral position in Sardinia/Italy last summer, I was looking to join a global scientists association. I have individually became a member of ICoRSA. As a new member, I have been funded to attend WSF in Budapest as an invited young scientist from Cyprus representing ICoRSA. "

ICoRSA will play an ambassadorial role giving training to young scientists on how to establish an association, how to write a constitution and create a board of members. ICoRSA will also help the newly established CSRA (Cyprus Scientific Research Association) to make international connections and be recognized internationally.
If you are interested in helping establish the CRSA, get in touch!