Following the conference on research precarity, ICoRSA will hold its AGM on Saturday, January 13, 2024
closed for members only in order to jointly discuss and plan ICoRSA’s future strategy. Another focus will
be the election of the ICoRSA Board of Directors for the upcoming year. All nominations including self-
nominations are welcome and must be submitted together with a letter of interest, emphasising your
motivation to contribute to ICoRSA, to no later than Friday, 5 January 2024. As an
ICoRSA member, you have the right to vote and voting will take place during the AGM.
Finally, ICoRSA Research Staff Associations members will present their main activities, with a focus on
initiatives to address research precarity in their respective countries.
The AGM will invite board members and member organisations to decide on the future Board and Strategic
Plan for 2024 and provide a space for its members to discuss researchers’ career frameworks and