ICoRSA’s role within the Initiative Science Europe working groups on research careers

The International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA) has taken on a role within the Initiative Science Europe working groups on research careers, widening and FP10 to support the design of European Commission future policies and instruments in the Research and Innovation.

As a driving force behind these working groups, ICoRSA is actively contributing to the design of vital European Commission policies that will ultimately guide the trajectory of research and innovation across the continent. These policies hold the potential to foster groundbreaking advancements and transformative changes in the research community. ICoRSA latest contributions to the initiatives had inputs from some of its members, namely the Portuguese networks ANICT and NInTec.

Be prepared for policy feedback from these dynamic working groups, expected to be unveiled in the coming months. This feedback will play a crucial role in the development of a more vibrant and innovative landscape for research and innovation in the European Union.

ICoRSA remains dedicated to championing the interests of researchers and reshaping the future of research policies. Stay tuned for further developments as these working groups continue to pave the way for a brighter research and innovation future.
