1 April 2022 News

ICoRSA Annual Researcher Career Summit 2022

ICoRSAWelcome & Opening Speech
PART 1 (12.10 – 13.50 CET)
OECDCarthage Smith

Head of the Global Science Forum

ScienceEuropeLidia Borrell-Damian

Secretary General

EC Directorate for Research and InnovationSlaven Misljencevic

Policy Officer R&I Actors and Research Careers – DG Research & Innovation, European Commission

CRAC / VitaeUKClare Viney
Chief Executive Officer
UNESCOCarl Vannetelbosch

Project Officer

Q&A session
ICoRSAPresentation of ICoRSA’s

Position Statement on Sustainability of Research Careers and Precarity

PART 2 (14.10 – 16.00 CET)
ICoRSAGlobal Survey on Research Career Progression
Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands PLOCAN – SPAINJose Joaquin Hernandez Brito

CEO and Director of PLOCAN

VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH – GERMANYMartin Hering

Education, Science and Humanities

Italian Research Staff Association – ItalySveva Avveduto

Board Member and President of Donne&Scienza and Emeritous director of Italian CNR

Irish Research Staff Association – IrelandAndrew Allen

Chair of IrishRSA

Portuguese Association of Science and Technology Researchers ANICT – PortugalMafalda Rangel

Vice-President of ANICT

Q&A session
ICoRSAClosing Notes