International Consortium of Research Staff Associations

Providing a global voice for research staff and postdoctoral scholars

Researchers are a highly mobile part of the global research enterprise.  Policy concerning research careers is determined internationally through a variety of global organisations. At present, there is no consistent voice representing research staff and postdoctoral scholars in international policy.  The International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA) will provide this collective voice, advocate on behalf of research staff and postdoctoral scholars, and inform international research policy. The UK Research Staff Association supported by Vitae, the US National Postdoctoral Association, and the Irish Research Staff Association are currently the driving force behind ICoRSA, with increasing involvement from other national and international associations that together constitute the founding membership.

Nurturing communities of researchers

ICoRSA will support the development of national associations by facilitating communication across borders and sharing of best practices. We envisage that the consortium will play an important role in the global research enterprise by enhancing the productivity and experiences of research staff, postdoctoral scholars, and early-career researchers, who together are the life-blood of the global research enterprise.